Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cleaning the Garands bore.

As the owner of many military surplus rifles, both foreign and domestic, I have learned one thing over the years. Do not clean the bore to "get it clean", clean the bore to "make it shoot". Many, and I mean many rifles will shoot dirty, and many prefer dirty. Over the years I have developed a process for cleaning my Garands and M1A's, both match grade and rack grade. I stick to the "process" and do not deviate.

First, do not worry about how the patches "look" when the exit the barrel.

My process does not involve worrying about how the patches work. I stick with my process and do not deviate.

First, empty the chamber of your Garand or M1A, and lock the bolt back.

Wet a patch with solvent (I use good old Hoppes #9) and run through the barrel.
Repeat and let soak for 5 minutes.
Run a dry patch through.
Run a dry patch with JB bore paste into the barrel, working it in short strokes in fron t of the chamber.
Run a dry patch through.

Run a wet patch through.

Run two dry patches through.

Relax, your done. Do not think about what the patches look like. Just shoot the rifle.

Your rifle may like more or less cleaning, but I have yet to see a Garand or M1A that liked to be cleaned to death.

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